Printing Checks
In SQUAVA, checks are tied to bills. The reason for this is to make printing a check simple and consistent. Every check is to pay some sort of expense that needs to be assigned to an account. So, SQUAVA initiates a check by entering the check details in a bill. Then you also always know where to find the things you paid with a check.
Best Practice Suggestion: The set-up process only takes a minute, so be sure to set-up your printers format ahead of time, this will save you time in the long run and reduce the number of wasted checks. |
The following article outlines the process of printing checks.
Quick Summary:
- Accessing Check Printing
- Printing a Check
- Add/Edit a printer
- Check Alignment
Step-by-Step Guide:
- Accessing Check Printing - A check can be printed from two locations: Financial > Accounts Payable interface is where you will initially print a check and the Financial > Banking interface is where you can reprint a check.
- Accounts Payable interface: Ready to pay status already has the print tab on the right side of the bill. On the pending approval status, click on the three dots and select Print Check from the drop-down associated with the bill to pay.
- Banking interface: There is a box on the left of each transaction, find the check you need to reprint and click on this box. Select the 'Action' icon, which should now be blue, and from the drop-down menu select reprint check.
- Add/Edit a printer
After selecting ‘Print Check’, you will see the window shown below. Click the + sign to add a printer and the pen and paper icon to edit a printer.
NOTE: If this is your first time printing a check, you will first need to set up your printer so that the check will print correctly. To begin, select the + icon and name your printer with an easily identifiable name since you may have to do this more than once if you use more than one printer to print checks. - Check Alignment
Through this process, you will align the text and your check for a specific printer. Each printer prints a little differently, so be sure to go through this process for each printer you plan to use to print checks.
First, print a sample check on a piece of plain white paper and test the text alignment on your checks by overlaying the sample you printed on one of your blank checks as illustrated below.
The numerical check amount is the easiest place to observe to determine alignment and make adjustments. Using the hatch marks on the sample check, note how much the number needs to move to be aligned and make any necessary adjustments using the positioning tool in SQUAVA as shown below. Reprint your sample check and verify the alignment. Adjust further as necessary until you are satisfied with how it prints.
You have successfully learned how to print a check! If you have other questions related to Printing Checks, see the other articles in our Accounting 101 section. Can't find what you're looking for? Try the main knowledge base search at If you’re still unable to find what you're looking for, give us a call, submit a request ticket, or send us a chat message.
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