SQUAVA enables you to connect a bank and credit card register to a financial institution so you can automatically synchronize transactions as they occur. Once imported, you can approve, match, or reject them in the software. Linking a bank or credit card account to your register will make it easier to track your transactions and reconcile your accounts. You also have the ability to unlink an account. This article will guide you through the linking and unlinking process.
Article Overview
- Link a bank or credit card register to a financial institution
- Unlink a bank or credit card register to a financial institution
- Re-link a bank or credit card register to a financial institution
Bank Register Features
Linking your bank or credit card register to a financial institution means you are allowing SQUAVA to access your account’s transactions and import them into your SQUAVA account. This is a read-only connection to your account. Linking your account only allows SQUAVA to pull information into your SQUAVA account and does not allow any changes to be made in your bank or credit card account.
You can link a financial institution in three ways:
1. Linking while adding a new account - while adding a new bank or credit card account, you can link it right away to a financial institution. Click the +Add Bank/Credit Card button and connect it to your account after you’ve defined your account details using the blue Link Account button.
2. Linking from edit account - you can also link an existing account by the edit bank button. Click the triple dot in your bank register widget in the far right corner of the screen then choose edit. An edit account window should appear and you’ll see the link account button.
3. Linking from link icon - an easier way of linking to a financial institution is using the link icon placed underneath the bank register name next to the bank description you entered. This also shows the linked status of the account with a broken or connected chain.
After selecting the link account button, you will be prompted to accept the privacy policy associated with connecting your account to SQUAVA through Plaid - a third party service that powerfully interacts with bank and credit card accounts.
You will then be prompted to find and select your bank or credit card institution. This connection supports most mainstream and common banks; however, you may find that you are unable to connect to some institutions. This can be the case for smaller, local institutions. If this is the case, your only option may be to import transactions. We encourage you to check back from time to time to see if your bank becomes available.
After selecting your bank account, you will be prompted to enter your institutions login credentials by entering your username and password and click submit.
You may be prompted to verify your identity with a text message or email that will contain a verification code that you will enter on the following screen.
Enter the verification code you received.
If you have multiple accounts, you will be required to select the account to which you are connecting. Click continue.
If you successfully connect to your account, you will receive a confirmation notification.
You will then be prompted to choose how far back you would like to import your bank transactions. You have the option to select:- Last 30 days
- Last 60 days
- Last 90 days
- Last 6 months
- Custom (you will be prompted to select a date)
- All available
Select your desired option and then select Import Transactions. Once selected, you will be directed back to your bank details screen. There you will see confirmation that your account is now connected to the financial institution. Click Save to return to your bank register.
The transactions you synced will take a few minutes to appear. You can reload / refresh your screen and check if the transaction has been synced. Once the synced transactions appear, you can now approve, reject, or assign accounts to them. Learn more what to do with these status indicators here (Insert link for status indicators).
Once you’ve successfully connected your bank account, the link icon next to your bank name should be a blue linked chain. -
Unlink a bank or credit card register to a financial institution
At some point, you may decide to retire or inactivate an account. For whatever reason, you can unlink the account by navigating to the account details screen and selecting the Unlink Account button followed by the Save button.After unlinking the account, the blue link account button will turn gray and change to a broken link.
Tip: As noted before, it is better to unlink and inactivate an account that will no longer be used as opposed to deleting the account. Deleting the account will remove all the transactions and associated actions like payments received or paid. Only delete an account that you plan to redo or that does not have transactions with associated actions.
- Re-link a bank or credit card register to a financial institution
If you decide to reconnect a register to a financial institution, following the linking process described above. (Link Account)
- Now we’re done learning how to link and unlink your bank or credit card account to a financial institution. Next you will need to learn about the different transactions for bank and credit card accounts.
- Check out the Help Article: Bank and Credit Card Transactions
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